PRELIMINARY FACT FINDKYC & AML REPORT Personal InformationFull Name *0 / 200Home Address *0 / 200Telephone *Email Address *Marital Status *0 / 200Date of Birth *Place of Birth *0 / 200Residency *0 / 200Nationality *0 / 200Spouse Name *0 / 200Spouse Date of Birth *Spouse Place of Birth *0 / 200Spouse Residency *0 / 200Spouse Nationality *0 / 200Number of Dependents *0 / 200Ages *0 / 200Copy of ID *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCopy of Residential Proof *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileOccupation *0 / 200Years with current employer *Current employer and address *0 / 200Country of Tax Residence *0 / 200TIN *0 / 200Upload Signature *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePersonal Income StatementIncomeMonthly Salary *Housing Allowance *Investment Income *Rental Income *Other Income *Total IncomeMonthly OutgoingsMortgage/Rent *Loans/Credit Cards *Tax *Monthly Fees *Other Expense *Total Monthly OutgoingsNetPersonal Balance SheetAssetsProperty *Property Investment *Onshore Bank *Offshore Bank *Stocks *Mutual Funds *Saving Plans *Pensions *Other *Total AssetsLiabilitiesMortgage *Loans *Other Debt *Total LiabilitiesYour Investment ExperienceYears of Trading ExperienceNumber of Trades per YearKnowledge Level: 3 - Extensive, 2 - Good, 1 - LimitedStocksStock Years *Stock Trades *Stock Knowledge *321BondsBond Years *Bond Trades *Bond Knowledge *321OptionsOption Years *Option Trades *Option Knowledge *321FuturesFuture Years *Future Trades *Future Knowledge *321ForexForex Years *Forex Trades *Forex Knowledge *321Needs AnalysisWhat are you financial objectives? *0 / 2000At what age do you plan to retire and what income do you anticipate needing upon retirement? *0 / 2000How would your family cope financially in the event of your demise? *0 / 2000If you have children, how do you plan to fund their education? *0 / 2000Do you have adequate medical insurance? *0 / 2000Is your employment income protected in the event of long term disablement, and are you insured against the financial consequences of suffering a critical illness? *0 / 2000Have you made a will? Have you undertaken any inheritance/estate duty tax planning? *0 / 2000Risk ProfileI wish I knew more about my investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeRisk means uncertainty and danger. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeWhen markets down, I don't like to look at my investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI have made some regrettable choices with past investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI am more concerned at potential investment losses than potential gains. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI never lose sleep over my investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeMy investment decisions are often influenced by the financial media. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI am optimistic about the future. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeSome discomfort is worthwhile when making risky, but potentially rewarding investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI would assume more risk with discretionary income usually spent on non-essentials. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeI think that being too cautious can risk missing investment opportunities. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeWhen markets are up, I like to look at my investments. *Strongy DisagreeDisagreeDisagree a LittleAgreeStrongy AgreeMy Risk Profile *DefensiveCautiousBalancedGrowthAggresiveSubmit Application